December 16th, 2013

Hello everyone!!
So as of last Thursday, I have been out officially 6 months and I now have less than a year of my mission left which is a little crazy to think about! :)

Scripture of the Week
I don't have a quote of the week but a great scripture is:

"And if there were miracles wrought then, why has God ceased to be a God of mireacles and yet be an unchangeable being? And behold, I say unto you he changeth not; if so he would cease to be God; and he ceaseth not to be God, and is a God of miracles" -Mormon 9:19.

I love this scripture because it shows that God is always a God of miracles and they are truly happening all around us. I just need to look for them and keep the faith and I know God will take care of the rest!! :)

Miracle of the Week:
So not a lot has happened this week but our miracle is there is a part member family, the Peytons, that we have been working with off and on. The husband is the nonmember and we just saw him like a week or two ago to start teaching him again. His name is Bryant and his son, Zane, just turned 8 and they want him to get baptized too. So we are going to be teaching both of them together and hopefully they can get baptized in January. We had the first lesson yesterday and Zane was super excited!!! We are so excited to be teaching them and it has really been a lot of fun and quite a miracle!!

Well not much else has happened this week. We got snowed in on Saturday and ended up spending the day organizing and stuff. Then last night, I slipped on ice and fell onto butt and has to sit there and laugh for a minute before I got up and realized that it hurt pretty bad. This morning we went to a member's house to do a little Zumba to some EFY music and then a little Yoga and that was a super fun. I am trying to stay somewhat in shape and not come home weighing 300 lbs but it has been a little tricky with all the really good food the members make for us!! We have been doing a member missionary class where the members come to the church and we teach them how to do missionary work and they have been loving it! It is getting them a lot more excited about the work and helped them realize that it is not that scary!!!
Anyways, that is pretty much it!! I hope everything is going well and you are all safe and sound!! I love you all and pray for you often!! :)
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson :)

The District

Fun on exchange!

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