Happy Winter Everyone!!!! :)
Quote of the Week "Discipleship is the pursuit of holiness and happiness. It is the path to our best and happiest self."
I have found this to be true 100%! I have never been happier or better than on my mission and I am so grateful for the joy and happiness I have been able to discover in myself and the many blessings I receive each and every day!!!
Highlight of the Week The highlight of the week was all the opportunities that are opening up on the Ohio Wesleyan University campus here in Delaware. We are really good friends with the head chaplain there and he invited us to a religious forum/event thing last week. One of the students was doing a project so essentially there were about 30 or 40 people and we were all split up into groups of about 5 or 6. We got together and discussed different questions such as how did you develop your faith or religious traditions, are there any misconceptions about your religion, where did you morality derive from and so on. The discussions were incredible and it was so good for us because we were able to clear up a lot of misconceptions and help people to see we are still normal people. We also talked to a few people that are strong in their faith in Christ but don't really know what else they believe and we got some phone numbers so we are hoping to meet with them this week. This event was so incredible and it made us even more excited for an event coming up this Thursday called Speed Faithing. So it is basically like speed dating but with religions and we are really excited because we think it will be a perfect opportunity to get our name out there and share more about our beliefs!!! It's gonna be great and I will report about that next week! :)
We got a call from the other day from a member in Kentucky and she told us about her friends Stephanie and Jason who just moved into our ward boundaries. They aren't members but they have learned a little bit in the past and are willing to have us come over! We are going over tonight to help them paint and stuff and then hopefully we can set up for us to go by and teach them soon! They also have 3 kids and the member said it is basically only a matter of time before they join the church because they are absolutely incredible people!!
Scripture of the Week
So our mission has a monthly newsletter and it is tradition for the missionaries who are leaving that month to put their testimony in it. So I submitted mine today and I wanted to share it with you all! :)
"Behold, how many (hundreds) of our brethren has he loosed from the pains of hell; and they are brought to sing redeeming love, and this because of the power of his word which is in us, therefore have we not great reason to rejoice?" Alma 26:13
There is nothing that has brought me greater joy in life than serving my Father in Heaven and bringing my brothers and sisters unto Him. I have truly found myself among these wonderful people here in the Ohio. Words can't begin to express my gratitude and wonder at the changes I have seen in myself and the countless spiritual experiences I have had. I know my Heavenly Father and my Savior so much more personally than ever before and I feel them with me always!
So our mission has a monthly newsletter and it is tradition for the missionaries who are leaving that month to put their testimony in it. So I submitted mine today and I wanted to share it with you all! :)
"Behold, how many (hundreds) of our brethren has he loosed from the pains of hell; and they are brought to sing redeeming love, and this because of the power of his word which is in us, therefore have we not great reason to rejoice?" Alma 26:13
There is nothing that has brought me greater joy in life than serving my Father in Heaven and bringing my brothers and sisters unto Him. I have truly found myself among these wonderful people here in the Ohio. Words can't begin to express my gratitude and wonder at the changes I have seen in myself and the countless spiritual experiences I have had. I know my Heavenly Father and my Savior so much more personally than ever before and I feel them with me always!
"Now have we not great reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men (and women) that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began." Alma 26:35
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Have a wonderful week and remember to rejoice in all things!!! :)
Love, Sister Britni Johnson :)
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