So today we got transfer calls and the verdict is: I am staying and Sister Jensen is leaving. But we are both training new missionaries which is super exciting!! I have actually been praying and fasting lately that I will be able to push myself harder and finish out the last few months of my mission strong and then I got the call that I was training so I take that as my answer and I am super excited!!!
This last week has been great!! Basically every single investigator we have been teaching dropped us in the last 2 weeks but that's ok, we are still pressing forward. And have a few people that are showing interest and we are starting to work with. We are basically starting fresh and new but it feels really good. I am so excited to just go out and work my little butt off!! :)
Not too much has happened lately except that last Wednesday morning we were running for morning exercise and somehow my foot got caught on an uneven sidewalk and I totally tripped and fell. I scraped my knees really bad but kept running but when we got home I had blood dripping all down my legs and Sister Jensen was so good to me and bandaged me all up! She's studying nursing at BYU so fixing me up was good practice for her!
So we met a lot of interesting people this week. One guy has apparently been studying the word for the last 50 years but 30 of those years were in jail. But first he told us that the Book of Mormon leads people down to hell but after we started talking about it for a few minutes he told us he believe it's true. He also started crying int he middle of our discussion and looked at me and said my calling in life is to be a preacher and then he looked at Sister Jensen and told her that her calling in life is to be an interior decorator, apparently God told him that. It was hard at times to not just bust up laughing but we held ourselves together pretty well.
We also met a man named Steve who was sitting on his porch smoking and eating ice cream. He invited us to sit down and chat then he offered us ice cream so he went inside the house but uses a walker because one of his legs is paralyzed and he got both of us ice cream cones. It was the sweetest thing ever and we had a good 45 minute chat with him!
Things have been super great here in the Great Ohio but tomorrow will definitely be bitter sweet! I am losing Sister Jensen but getting a new companion. And Sister Mitchell (my trainer and companion for 6 months in Madison Lake) goes home tomorrow which is super sad! But that's ok! Life goes on and I am still livin it up and loving the mission!! :)
I love you all and pray for you always!! :)Love Sister Britni Johnson :)
I love Sister Jensen!! |
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