Happy Monday Everybody!!
Actually I think the only people in the world that actually like Mondays are missionaries because that is P-day!! :) Things are going so great and this work truly is amazing!
Quote of the Week
"The standard of truth has been erected. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble and calumny may defame; but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly and independent; till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear; till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah shall say "The work is done."
We have been watching the Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration movie a lot lately with investigators and I love this quote from Joseph Smith that he says in the movie. I love this quote because it is so true! It is happening everywhere in the world and I am a first hand witness of that! Absolutely nothing can stop this work from rolling forth and it is incredible to be able to a part of it!
This week was kinda crazy. We put Midge and Victor on date to be baptized next Saturday and then they kinds dropped us because they can't afford to pay tithing. We are still trying to address that situation with them. We actually got dropped a lot this week but then we were blessed with finding a ton of new people to teach so that was super awesome!!! Every time something difficult comes our way, we push through it and then Heavenly Father blesses us tenfold for our faith and efforts. It's amazing how much he truly does love each and every one of us and knows exactly how to help us and take us farther than we could ever take ourselves if we will just let him!!
Sister Jensen has been teaching a woman named Becca since February. She is super solid and has a really strong testimony. The only thing holding her back is her husband. He is super against the church and it has been really hard for her because they have only been married for a year and a half and they agreed to go to church together until she found the truthfulness fo the restoration of the gospel and her husband is really against the church now. But her husband is out of town this week and so she was able to come tor church for the 3rd time yesterday which technically means she could get baptized. She really wants to and so she met with Bishop yesterday about it. He gave her some really good advice and counsel and said she just has to get written consent from her husband and we can go ahead with the baptism. It's perfect because she is going to use this week without him to pray and fast and ponder on the best way to approach it with him so that it will work out and sh can finally get baptized! We are super excited because she knows it's true with all her heart and wants to get baptized really soon!
We had interviews with our new mission president this week, President Daines. I went with President first while Sister Jensen met with his wife. We had a super good discussion about my progress thus far as a missionary and how these next few months are the most critical. He gave me a few good tips on how to keep my projection and spiritual progression continuing rapidly to the very end and how to keep it after the mission. It's super weird to be in this position where i have less than 5 months left, for a long time it felt like this day would never come and now it is coming way too fast! I love every second of it though because I am able to learn so much.
While I was meeting with Sister Daines she was asking me about my life and growth and such and I had a whole new view on how much I truly had grown and learned. I never thought of myself as having much faith or trust in Heavenly Father but these last few months, I have learned so much by just turning everything over to him. I have so much faith, hope and trust in my Heavenly Father and that is what gets me through each and everyday no matter what happens. I am truly allowing Him to guide me in each and every thing and it is remarkable. It is a blessing to be able to see noticeable growth and I know it was all my Heavenly Father's hand in my life. He is the reason I have learned so much and I am eternally grateful for each and every second of my mission, good and bad!!
The only downer lately is the crazy weather. This morning we had this really weird mist rain thing where you could feel the water just sitting in the air. It wasn't really bad until you tried to run in it and it just got super gross. It was probably the closest I will ever get to a rainforest but it was super weird. It rains all the time here and it is the middle of summer! I am definitely not used to it but it certainly keeps life interesting! :)
Have a great week!! :)
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson
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