Hello, hello!!!
I hope everyone is doing absolutely wonderful!!!
I have never seen so much snow in my life. All it ever does here lately is snow and i am a little sick of it but that's ok, I will survive!!
Quote of the Week:
"Things will work out Keep trying. Be believing. Be happy. Don't get discouraged. things will work out." -Pres. Hinckley
I am certainly learning this lately!! Things will always work out the way they are supposed to, we just need to trust in the Lord and learn to find joy in the journey!!! :)
Miracle for the Week
So this miracle isn't actually ours but the elders here in our area have been working with this woman named Shelly and she is so cute and awesome and I love her to death!! She is getting baptized the Saturday after next and I am so excited!!!
This week has been crazy!! No real progress with the people I talked about last week and not really anything new but things are still going great!!! We have one more week before transfers and we will just have to see what happens!! I don't even know what to expect anymore. But if I end up staying here one more transfer, I will break the record for being here the longest out of any missionaries within the last like 8-10 years!! That would be cool!!! :) I still love it here and I am happier than ever!
Out of time for the week, sorry!! I love you all! Stay warm and safe! :)
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson :)
Always having fun! :) |
It is always snowing lately!!! |
Johnson road!! :) |
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