Hey everyone!
So this week has been pretty awesome!
Quote of the Week
"We understood these trials would be given to us for our experience and our good. If we allow them to, these trials will purify us rather than defeat us. They teach us to have endurance, patience and charity."
I found this yesterday in the Gospel Principles book during Sunday School. It's talking about us in the pre-existence. I just loved the wording of that and the meaning behind it. It is so cool to think that we chose this life and these trials. We knew we would be tried and tested and we accepted the fact that they are for our good. It is difficult but so important to try as hard as we can to allow our trials to truly purify us and learn patience, endurance and charity from them. I know that no matter what trials I go through in this life, I can handle them and I will grow from them. I have learned to be grateful for my trials in retrospect as I realize the person they have made me and things I know I can do because of them! :)
Scripture of the Week
Alma 10:10-" And again I know that the things whereof he hath testified are true; for behold I say unto you, that as the Lord liveth, even so he has sent his angel to make these things manifest unto me; and this he has done while this Alma hath dwelt at my house."
This is exactly how I want to be. I want to live the gospel so fully and strongly, that everyone around me can feel the presence of the Spirit of God. They can know that there is something different about me and they want to learn why. I want to be such a strong example wherever I go, that people can lean on my faith and and strength until they find and gain their own. They know who I am and what I stand for and they know the love and I have and the person I represent! That is my ultimate and my mission is helping me so much with that! :)
Miracle for the week
SO this week has been a little bit tougher. I am not going to lie and say that everyday is perfect because it isn't. I was a little sick and exhausted and most days, it was so hard to get out of bed. But I have found so much strength and guidance from the Lord. The only thing that pulled me out of my sickness and myself was teaching. When I started teaching and feeling the Spirit, I suddenly had excitement and enthusiasm and I didn't care how I was feeling at all. I guess my miracle this week is that I am finally beginning to completely lose myself in this work.
There is no better way to find and discover yourself than to lose yourself in this great and marvelous work! :) I don't care how I am feeling or what is happening, I strive to spend all my time day and night, thinking about the people we are teaching and how best to help them.
My best days, are the days that are so busy, I have no time to think about myself, only time to think about and listen to the Spirit and it's promptings. There is nothing more fulfilling or exciting then looking outside yourself all the time and seeing the joy, happiness, and love for others as you do your best to help them and share what you love and are passionate about. I absolutely love just spreading the love and being myself. I love planting seeds and helping them grow. Explaining, teaching and testifying constantly about the truthfulness of this gospel and this lifestyle. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else. I know this is where I am supposed to be and I can't imagine myself not having come on a mission and experienced all of this!
Missionary work is incredible and I am so privileged and blessed to have this opportunity to focus on the Lord and his work with no other worries or concerns! This church is true, this gospel is Christ's gospel and his teachings. He truly lives to love and strengthen us in everything and I am so grateful that he is my rock and my foundation. I put my trust in me and he puts his love, light, spirit and strength in me!
I know this is the most important work to be a part of and I love every second of everyday! I am determined to work my hardest, do my best and have absolutely no regrets at the end of my mission! I love you all, I am doing great and I am happy as can be! :)
Miss you and can't wait to see you all again soon!!
Lovin' life and livin' my dreams!!!
Love always and forever,
Love always and forever,
Sister Britni Johnson! :)
an awesome porch swing we sat on at FHE with Kirstie! :) |
Everyone our here has a weird obsession with these geese, they put them on the porch and dress them up like children or dolls. |
This horse's name is Tank and I wanted to ride him so bad-
I plan to come back after my mission and finally ride a horse! :)
This picture is especially for Rebecca Rowley - This is a corgi, the type of dog that she wants :) |
Kirstie's baptism!!
This totally reminds me of A Goofy Movie-when they go on the road trip |
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