September 22nd, 2014

Hello everyone!!!
Not too much happened since last Wednesday. On Friday I spent the day with another sister who had pneumonia while our companions went out and taught a bunch of lessons. That was fun until I ended up getting sick so it has been a little rough these past few days. But that's ok, we are still doing our best and having fun at the same time!! :)

Miracle #1
is a woman we have been teaching pretty much the whole time I have been here and she came to church yesterday!! We went over to her house on Saturday and helped her clean out her pool and everything. Then we did a ton of winterizing stuff and it was super fun. We invited her to church and she ended up coming and stayed for the whole 3 hours which is huge for her!!! She absolutely loved it and her 2 boys loved it as well! She is going to come with us to the general women's meeting this Saturday and hopefully church again on Sunday!!!

Miracle #2
So yesterday after dinner I got a huge migraine and I was feeling super sick and tired. But we had a lesson we needed to go teach with this girl named Kylie. We go to teach her and she lets us in and we had a super stellar lesson with her!! She really wants to find the right church for her but gave up after awhile because she couldn't find it and then life got in the way. She is super nice and was so grateful for us teaching her and giving her a Book of Mormon. We answered a lot of questions and the whole time my head didn't hurt at all which was such a blessing!!! We are teaching her again next Sunday and I am so excited because she is definitely ready and sincerely interested!! :)

There were also 2 members in our ward who each brought nonmember friends to church yesterday that both really enjoyed it as well! Overall it was a totally awesome Sunday and I was so excited about the little blessings and tender mercies of the Lord we have been able to see lately! :)

Things are still great! It's getting a little cold and I have been breaking out my winter stuff but I don't mind at all! :) I'm still loving life and having a blast!! Hope you all have another fantabulous week!! 

Love always,
Sister Britni Johnson

September 17th, 2014

Hello everyone!

 So this weeks letter is going to be kind of short because they ran out laptops at he library here so I am using and iPad which is super annoying to type on especially when you are used to a regular keyboard.

Anyways, things have been super good this week! A little cold but still great!  

Miracle #1We were finally able to meet with a lady named Karen Backo who is the friend of a member that we have been trying to meet with for like 2 months. We had an incredible lesson with her. We were able to answer a lot of questions and concerns that she had and the spirit was absolutely amazing!! We taught her all about the Book of Mormon and gave her one to read and study. And she invited herself to church because she loved everything we taught so much. She is a super awesome lady that has been searching for something her whole life and just have never found it. I am so excited to help her realize that's this gospel is what she has been searching for this whole time! I asks super excited to teach her!!

Miracle #2:
We finally had someone come to church for he first time since sister rose has been here. So Erick, the guy we were teaching for awhile but lost contact with for about 2 months, randomly showed up to church the other day! He was like 30 minutes late so we didn't see home come in but he was only late because he had to walk to church! He also came after working like all night! I am, so glad he came because everything was so perfect for him and the circumstances he is in. It was a pretty great week and we are just having so much fun!! 

Oh and I almost forgot, we got transfer calls today and sister rose and I are both staying here in Fairborne! I am excited because we have a lot of potential popping up here lately and I and definitely grateful for all the blessings we have been able to see! 

Anyways, that's pretty much it for this week! I will write more next week for sure and send some pics! I have no clue how to send pics on this iPad thing so we will just wait for next week! Love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!!! 

Love always,

Sister Britni Johnson 

September 8th, 2014

Good afternoon everyone!!
Scripture of the Week
 Alma 32:27-28

 It's so exciting to see that as I have given the Book of Mormon and other scriptures a place in my heart, they have swelled into a burning testimony and now I truly do hunger and thirst after the scriptures and anything Heavenly Father has for me to learn! It is incredibly delicious to me and all I want to do is study gospel things all day everyday!! It's the best!!

So this week was a bit of a struggle. We locked our keys and our phone in our car on Tuesday and had to have a member call AAA roadside assistance to come help us. Then yesterday, we locked our keys in our trunk and the lever inside the car doesn't work to unlock it. So we had to call the senior missionary couple in charge of the vehicles had to drive an hour and a half from Columbus here to Fairborn to bring the spare and unlock it for us. And lastly, we heard that starting next week, we are going to be sharing cars across the mission. So for example, the elders in our area don't currently have a car so for 1 week they would get the car and we would be stuck on bikes and then the next week we would swap and we would get the car and they would be on bikes. This will definitely be interesting considering the fact that I am terrible at riding a bike especially in a skirt but I am kind of excited because it will make like really interesting and I am sure I will have tons of funny stories to tell everyone regarding our adventures!!! So we had some serious bad luck but we also had some great experiences!! The work is finally starting to pick back up again and it is a great blessing!!

Miracle of the Week
So we went to a Chinese buffet on Friday and we were with the elders in our area and we were all eating and enjoying our food when the girl that was kind of waiting on us complimented me on my dress. She was super sweet and I really wanted to give her a card. Everyone told me to go for it so I go over to her and it was perfect because she had just sat down to have lunch and so I went up and sat across from her. I started asking her questions like if she believes in God and stuff like that. She told me she has only been in the US fro a little over a month and everyone in her village somewhere in Asia all believe in Buddha but she wants to find faith in God.

We had a wonderful conversation and I felt the spirit so strong which was funny considering we were sitting in a buffet. I got her phone number and tried to set up a time to meet with her but it was hard because she is really busy and didn't understand everything I was saying. We settled on us texting her this week to set up a time to meet up with her and she is really excited to meet with us again!! She was super duper sweet and I am so grateful Heavenly Father blessed me with the opportunity to talk to her and that I took the opportunity! It was something so simple and small and yet so profound for me and really helped me to know that I was in the right place and the right time and listened to the Spirit!! 

Other miracle:
We met the daughter of a less active member on our way to the member's house. She was super nice and social and started telling us about how the elders were supposed to go by and teach her the other day but she was sleeping and missed it. Then she started saying how she felt a little awkward with them coming by and trying to teach and she would be a lot more comfortable if it were girls. So we got her information and then called the elders immediately. I apologized but they were very graceful and said we could totally teach her!! they think we will fit better with her anyways and they are willing to do whatever it takes to help her feel comfortable and learn about these things! It was really nice of them and I am super excited to start teaching her because she has a lot of potential and she is hilarious!! I love her already!!!!

Things are great and I am still lovin life and livin it up here in good ol' Fairborn!! I love you all and hope you have a fabulous week!!! :)

Love always, 
Sister Johnson :)

September 2nd, 2014

Happy Belated Labor Day!! :)

Thoughts for the Week
 2 Timothy 1:6-8, It talks about not being ashamed of the gospel. I always thought that was a little weird because who would be ashamed to be a member. Then I realized that there have been times where I wasn't necessarily ashamed but I was definitely quiet and closed about what I believe in. Not being ashamed also means being open and bold about the things that you believe in. If you truly believe in Jesus Christ, it will show in your actions, words and everything that you do. Most of the time, the best missionary work is done by being a true disciple of Christ through loving people, serving people and being a good example to all who see you. There's no need to try to convince people the church is true because when they actually see it in action and feel it from the love and spirit you carry with you, they will know it's true and they will want if for themselves. I am so grateful for my testimony and the courage my mission has taught me, to not be afraid or ashamed to share the love and light the gospel brings to us and our families! :)

Story of the Week
So Elder Peterson and Elder Simkins in our ward are teaching a little 9 year old girl who is the granddaughter of less active members. Her name is Tayleigh and she is almost completely blind. She has some super magnifying glasses that make it so she can see general shapes but everything is pretty much a blur. So they asked us to help them figure out a creative way to teach her the plan of salvation using the senses she does have. So after some pondering we came up with the idea to have a life size plan of salvation game kind of like the game of life. The board was made out of colored shapes of paper placed on the floor between certain points that we all go through like pre-earth, earth, spirit world and the 3 kingdoms of glory.

So Tayleigh became the game piece and she walked through the game as we taught her about each of the points. We also had primary music playing in the back ground to help utilize her hearing as well. It went over incredibly well and she absolutely loved it!! Her reward for making it to the celestial kingdom was peanut butter blossoms that we made for her and her family! It was one of the most fun lessons I have taught in a while and it made me so excited to be a teacher in the future!

Miracle of the Week
Yesterday, as a district, all went to Young's Dairy which is a dairy farm turned into a family fun place. They have mini golf, batting cages, a driving range, a play place for kids and a corn maze. We started off with mini golf and some of the other activities, then everyone wanted to go to the driving range except for me and another sister so we decided to go to the corn maze. We get over there and start talking to the guy who is running it and then we start on our way. Pretty much the entire time through the corn maze, I just kept thinking about how we really need to go talk to the guy running the corn maze about the gospel. So we go through and end up getting completely and hopelessly lost for a good 30-45 minutes before finally making it back out. So we went up to talk to the guy (his name was Cody) and I just asked if we could give him a pass along card. He said sure so I started asking him questions about where he lives and what church he goes to.

We explained a little about the Book of Mormon and offered to bring him one. He said we could take him one while he was a t work another day but then I suddenly really wanted to give him one right then. The only dilemma was we had one in the car but it was on the complete opposite side of where we were at. So we ran the whole way across to our car and then ran back which took a good 10 minutes not to mention it was probably 90 degrees with 90%humidity outside! We went back and started to teach him the Restoration but we kept getting interrupted because he still had to do his job. But the coolest part was the only few minutes we had in peace was when we were teaching about the first vision and I was able to bear sincere and powerful testimony without getting interrupted at all. It was an incredible lesson and the spirit was strong and the best part is that it was right in front of a corn maze! We set up another teaching appointment and got his number to confirm it with him on Thursday.

It was so exciting because a few months ago, I never would have done that. But all of a sudden I am a changed missionary since conquering my fear of talking to people in public and it led to us giving him a Book of Mormon. It was the perfect end to a perfect day and I am so grateful for such an amazing miracle! It helped me so how much I have changed and grown and I was so glad that Heavenly Father was able to trust me with opening my mouth and sharing the gospel with Cody! It's amazing what can happen when we take a leap of faith and let Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ truly lead us and help us to grow!
Thank you all for the love and support!!! Have a fabulous week!! :P

Love, Sister Johnson :)

I got to see Sister Jensen last Friday at New Missionary Training at OSU! :)

We went mini golfing yesterday with our district!

More fun at Young's Dairy!! :)

More fun at Young's Dairy!! :)