Hello everyone!!
Happy New Year!!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!! I know I did. It was so nice to be able to call and skype this year!! :)
Quote of the Week
"The church isn't a museum for saints, it is a hospital for sinners."
This is so true! So many people think they can only come to church when they are perfect and no longer sin, the thing is that the reason we need church is to repent and become perfect!
Scripture of the Week
"And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions."
This week I have been studying a lot about patience and I came across this scripture. It really helped me because I know that Heavenly Father will ease my burdens because he loves me but he also does it so that I can strengthen my faith and share that faith building experience with those around me. We are showing our gratitude when we share our experiences and witnesses of the truth with all those around us!
This week was a little bit crazy!! We had so much going on but it was wonderful! On Tuesday we had a district fun day where we went to see some lights, did some yoga/zumba with a member of our branch and then went to another member's house for a Christmas Eve party. On Christmas we had a wonderful time opening presents!! Thanks so much to everyone for all the gifts and cards! I was so blessed this year! Then we spent the day taking cookies to people and caroling to spread Christmas cheer!! I also got to go to downtown Columbus for my first time ever, we are on an exchange with the sisters that cover that area.
We had such a fun time but it was weird to be around so many people because I have been out in the country in the tiny town of London for 7 months now! Last bit of news, next week is transfers again and I can't believe it!! Time is going by so fast and it stresses me out a little bit! I am kind of sad because I am afraid I might get transferred and I really don't want to because I love Sister Hyer so much and we have tons of fun together!!
Miracle of the Week
We knocked on the door of a guy named Anthony on Monday. He was super nice and we had a really great chat. We set up to go back the next day but that night he texted us and said he had spent a lot of time on mormon.org and everyone on there looked so beautiful and he didn't think he would fit in because he has a lot of tattoos and stuff. We addressed his concerns and assured him he would be welcome. So we set up to meet with him on Saturday and so we did and it was awesome!! We taught the restoration and taught alot about Joseph Smith!
He is quite a talker so the lesson was a little long but we left him with a restoration DVD and we are meeting with him again tonight! I guess the biggest part of the miracle is that when we first met him, he said he has just been so lost and confused because there are so many churches out there and so he just kind of gave up! So Sister Hyer jumped on that and compared him to Joseph Smith when he was having the same questions and concerns. We are super excited about Anthony because he is a cute little old man that is almost 60 but he is so friendly and ready! We will see what happens tonight!
I love you all and I will talk to you again next week!! Make it a great week!! :) Stay strong and keep the faith!!!
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson :)
Beautiful sky!
fun on exchanges!! :)
zumba/yoga on Christmas eve! Best idea ever! :) |
Sister Coffill and her granddaughter, Abby

The stockings our branch gave us!
Gained a little bit of weight...jk, my dress was tucked into my sweatpants :) |
Kyrien Curtin-Fattest baby ever! Wearing my new scarf and hat
My first headstand ever!! I can't believe I could actually do it :)