Hello Everyone!!! Happy Halloween and Happy Fall!!!!
First off, Happy Belated Birthday to Katie Watts and Happy Early Birthday to Brian!!!! :) Love you both so much!!
Scripture of the Week
"Condemn me not because of mine imperfection, neither my father because of his imperfection, neither them who have written before him; but rather give thanks unto God that he hath made manifest unto you our imperfections, that ye may learn to be more wise than we have been."-Mormon 9:31.
I love this scripture because it shows true humility. He is saying to not get angry at him for the things that he has done wrong but be grateful that you can learn from his mistakes and be better than he has been in that regard. I feel like that is so prevalent these days when people are so quick to judge. I am learning to accept people for who they are, mistakes and all and learn how to improve myself from their consequences! :)
Quote of the week
"Our doctrine is clear, we are to be positive and of good cheer, we emphasize our faith not our fears."-Quentin L. Cook.
We will never get anywhere if we don't choose to emphasize our faith rather than our fears. We need to have full and complete trust in Heavenly Father and the promises he has made to us and learn how to act out of complete faith in Him!!! :)
Miracle this Week
Our miracle this week is Paul. We have been having a hard time finding people interested over the last few weeks but we kept pushing forward and we found Paul . He is 26, single and was not interested at first. But as we kept him talking, we helped him realize that he believes a lot of the same things we do and it peaked his interest. So met him on Wednesday, taught him on Thursday, took him on a tour of our chapel on Friday, and he came to church yesterday.
He loves reading the Book of Mormon and he loved church. In his own words "I feel as if I cam coming out of the darkness, the clouds are parting and I am entering the truth, light and understanding." We are super excited for him and when we meet with him tonight, we are going to commit him to be baptized on November 30th. He is such a blessing because it has restored our faith that people truly are being prepared to receive this message and being put in our paths for us to find, teach and help them prepare for baptism. Heavenly Father is incredible and I feel so much love, comfort and strength from him daily!!! :)
Last thing, it was kinda funny because here they have a specific time set aside for trick or treating and it was supposed to be from 6:30-8:30. But there was a really bad storm on Halloween so they postponed trick or treating until Saturday. It was so weird because they don't do that in Utah so it kinda made us laugh. It was a good thing they postponed it though because the storm was insane. It woke us up in the middle of the night and it was so loud and scary that my first thought was that it was a tornado. The next morning there was a ton of damage done to houses, siding came off, trees were blown over and all the trees were naked because the leaves were blown off. The winds got up to 60 MPH, I am just glad that we are safe and that it wasn't a tornado or anything.
I love you all and I pray for you often!! I hope all is going well and I will talk to you again next week!!! :)
Keep The Faith!!!!!!
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson :)
Johnson, Johnson and Johnson :)-my last name is too common
Fun on exchanges!! :) |