Hello!! I hope all is well with everyone!! :) Things are pretty fabulous here!
of the Week
"Don't you quit. You keep walking, you keep trying.
There's hope and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon, some come
late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the
Gospel of Jesus Christ, they come." -Jeffrey R. Holland.
I love that
quote because it is so important to always remember, never give up and
never quit. This life is about showing what you are made of and what you
can do. We are promised blessings according to our faithfulness and
obedience. And when the Lord promises something, he is bound as long as
we do our part and always keep the faith.
The only thing to do is keep
going, there is no other option. We are blessed with happiness and hope
according to our obedience to the gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ. I
know he lives, he loves each and everyone of us and he is waiting to
help us, strengthen us and bless us, we just have to reach up to him and
let him in!!! :)
Scripture of the Week
"But Ammon said unto him: I do not
boast in my own strength nor in my own wisdom; but behold my joy is
full, yea my heart is brim with joy and I will rejoice in my God. Yea I
know that I am nothing, as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will
not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I
can do all things; yea behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in
this land, for which we will praise his name forever." -Alma 26:11-12
may have already done this one before but it is so good I have to do it
again. This is really how I have been feeling lately. I have learned to
find peace, joy and comfort in the Lord. As I have found that, I have
learned to rejoice in my success or our companionship's success
according to the blessings and strength from God and Jesus Christ. It is
because of them we can do anything and it is only with them that this
work is possible. All of our baptisms and anything else we do, are
blessings from our God according to our faith and hard work.
This is the
Lord's work and naturally he is a part of it. He labors right along
with us and and softens hearts and prepares souls ready to receive the
message of the restoration. Our job is to talk to everyone and be led by
him to those precious brothers and sisters of ours that we can help
bring unto the fold of God!! :) Look to him for strength and guidance in
all you do and say, every aspect of your life, and he will stand by you
and lift you up in every way!!
Miracle for the week: Vicki was baptized yesterday!! The whole
thing was incredible. The Spirit was so strong the entire time and it
was such a blessing to be a part of! There is nothing quite like seeing
someone you have come to know and love so much, dress in white and take
the first step to coming closer to Christ. They make those sacred
baptismal covenants and promise that although they don't know everything
and their testimony is fragile, they will continue to learn line upon
line and wax stronger in the Church of God!
Other Events of the Week
- I was sick for
like 3 days, In a 27 hour period of time, I slept for 19 hours and it
felt so good. The mission presidents wife ordered me to get the rest
that I need to heal quickly and get back to work so that is exactly what
I did. And I am feeling so much better now!!!
- The relief society broadcast was incredible. Everything that
was said was exactly what I needed and so inspired. Even though
Savannah doesn't want to be baptized right now, she still came to the
broadcast and even took notes. She really enjoyed it and I am so excited
to watch general conference with her this weekend. I have complete
faith that what will be said will be exactly what she needs to hear and
will continue to touch and soften her heart!!
- We are getting elders in this area in 2 weeks and I don't
really know what to think. I am so used to be the only set of
missionaries in the branch and our branch truly loves us. It will be
hard to compete with other missionaries! :) I'm just teasing but I
really am excited! There is so much to do in this area and so much
potential, it will be nice to have another set of missionaries to
continue to push the work forward. It will be fun to get the excitement
of missionary work, going again in our awesome branch.
Well I love you all and I hope everything is still going well!!
last thing, I might be needing a GPS here in like 2 weeks or so if
Sister Mitchell and I get separated because we are using hers and I was
wondering if anyone could maybe help out. Maybe it could be an early
Christmas present or maybe someone has one that isn't currently being
used!! If anyone can help out please let me know, that would be so nice
and such a life saver!! I love you all! I know this church is true and
the Lord is with each and every one of us always!! Love and miss you
all! Till next week!
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson!! :)
an alligator that was the pet so someone we met!! A little creepy! |
This was as close as I dared get to it! |
petting my new horse friend named Fred! :) |
Us, Vicki and her friend Hope Sexton who introduced us to her! |
Us, Vicki and our Branch Mission Leader Brother Penry who baptized her. | | |
holding a skunk, named Sasha! |