December 16th, 2013

Hello everyone!!
So as of last Thursday, I have been out officially 6 months and I now have less than a year of my mission left which is a little crazy to think about! :)

Scripture of the Week
I don't have a quote of the week but a great scripture is:

"And if there were miracles wrought then, why has God ceased to be a God of mireacles and yet be an unchangeable being? And behold, I say unto you he changeth not; if so he would cease to be God; and he ceaseth not to be God, and is a God of miracles" -Mormon 9:19.

I love this scripture because it shows that God is always a God of miracles and they are truly happening all around us. I just need to look for them and keep the faith and I know God will take care of the rest!! :)

Miracle of the Week:
So not a lot has happened this week but our miracle is there is a part member family, the Peytons, that we have been working with off and on. The husband is the nonmember and we just saw him like a week or two ago to start teaching him again. His name is Bryant and his son, Zane, just turned 8 and they want him to get baptized too. So we are going to be teaching both of them together and hopefully they can get baptized in January. We had the first lesson yesterday and Zane was super excited!!! We are so excited to be teaching them and it has really been a lot of fun and quite a miracle!!

Well not much else has happened this week. We got snowed in on Saturday and ended up spending the day organizing and stuff. Then last night, I slipped on ice and fell onto butt and has to sit there and laugh for a minute before I got up and realized that it hurt pretty bad. This morning we went to a member's house to do a little Zumba to some EFY music and then a little Yoga and that was a super fun. I am trying to stay somewhat in shape and not come home weighing 300 lbs but it has been a little tricky with all the really good food the members make for us!! We have been doing a member missionary class where the members come to the church and we teach them how to do missionary work and they have been loving it! It is getting them a lot more excited about the work and helped them realize that it is not that scary!!!
Anyways, that is pretty much it!! I hope everything is going well and you are all safe and sound!! I love you all and pray for you often!! :)
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson :)

The District

Fun on exchange!

December 9th, 2013

Hello everyone!!! 

Hope you are having a fabulous week!! It certainly is beginning to look and feel a lot like Christmas. It has snowed like crazy and is freezing everyday!! But everyone is in the Christmas spirit and it's way fun!!!
First off, Happy Birthday Mom!!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and know that I love you and am thinking of you!!!

Scripture of the Week
"And they were all young men and they were exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all- they were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted."-Alma 53:20 

This one is in Alma and it is talking about the 2,000 stripling warriors. I love this because this exactly how I need to be. I need to keep the courage, strength and stay true in every thing that I do!! I may not be in a huge battle in the middle of a physical war but I am a warrior for my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ fighting to save lives and defeat the Adversary!!

Quote of the Week
"Time is valuable but truth is more valuable than time." 

I like this quote a lot because this is an excuse for so many people. They say that now is not the right time or they will come back later. But there is no time like the present. We will be held accountable for any time we waste not living righteously and holding true to the truth and knowledge we have been blessed with!!! Time is precious and it is so important that we don't waste the Lord's time or our short time that we have on this earth!! I am determined to hold fast to the truth that I know and never let go of it for anything.

Miracle of the Week
Yesterday Paul blessed the sacrament and it was such a blessing for me to have been able to see him take that first step and then keep going. He is now a priest and continues to learn and grow. He has such a fire for the gospel and the scriptures. He is ready and excited to go out and spread this truth to the world and it is definitely amazing to be a part of it and see firsthand the changes that the gospel ignites in people. 
Things are still going well here! There have been a few rough patches but we always just keep plugging along and getting through it. Thursday was very fun because we had a mission wide Christmas devotional and so we got to see everyone. Sister Hyer and I sang a duet for it and it actually turned out ok. They had a slideshow of all the people that have been baptized this year and all the fun memories and it was awesome to reflect back on the last 6 months. I can't believe that this Thursday I will have been out for 6 months. By Friday I will have less than a year left and I am so excited to make the most of it and keep learning and growing in more ways than I can imagine! 

I love you all!! I hope everyone is safe and well and getting ready for Christmas!! You are in my thoughts and my prayers!! Thanks for all you do for me!!!

Love always, Sister Britni Johnson :)

Fun on exchanges! :)

Our beautiful Christmas tree that a member is letting us borrow!!

December 2nd, 2013

Hello everyone!!! 

Happy Thanksgiving!!! 

I hope you all had a wonderful because I sure did!!! :) We had two thanksgiving dinners and they were amazing!! It was also super fun to just spend time with some of the members and their family!!  

Also, Sister Mitchell was transferred and I am now companions with Sister Hyer!! She is awesome and I love her so much already!! We knew eachother before we became companions and when they announced it in the transfer meeting, we screamed a little bit and ran to eachother and gave eachother a huge bear hug. I love it and I am so glad to be with her. She is an incredible missionary and a very hard worker. We are basically the same person and I feel so much like myself again which is really nice and refreshing!!  

Other big news, Paul was baptized last Saturday and it went incredibly well. And he was ordained a priest yesterday which was so exciting!! He is going strong and learning tons and even bore his testimony yesterday in sacrament meeting which is like miracle because he is super shy and nervous in front of people!! I have been so blessed to be a part of his conversion and seeing and hearing his faith and testimony has strengthened my own so much!!!  

Quote of the Week  
 "When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power."-Ezra Taft Benson 
 I am learning this first hand because for a long time I was just obedient because I was supposed to or felt obligated but never because I truly wanted to be. But now I am learning the amazing blessing and strength of being obedient and doing what is asked of us. Our obedience shows our love and faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and in turn we are blessed with power and ability to do all things and be trusted with so much more!!

Scripture of the Week  
 "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst they brethren, the Lamanites and bear with patience thine afflictions and I will give unto you success." -Alma 26:27 

This scripture hit home because when things get hard, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are right there comforting us and giving us courage and strength to keep going and press forward in faith and righteousness!

Miracle  of the Week  
This week was little bit hard because there were so many changes and we aren't teaching hardly anyone right now but on Friday we had a bit of a miracle. We went to visit a less active who wasn't home but as we were leaving, we met his brother who is also less active and his nonmember girlfriend. They are Justin and Samantha and they are awesome. They let us come in for a sec to get warm and we chatted for a bit. Then on Saturday they went to Justin's sister in law's baptism in another ward and we were able to go and see them there.  

We talked for a little bit and set up to meet with them and have pizza on Tuesday and I am so excited!! They are so friendly and awesome!! Then yesterday, we went to see a member who's wife isn't a member. We were talking to him, his name is Brother Valdivia, and just starting asking about his wife. She doesn't speak very much English but he said that she knows a lot about the church and believes. She is ready to be baptized, she just hasn't because her family are extremely devout Catholics and she doesn't want to upset them or anything. But we decided to fast and pray and ponder on ideas of how to help and ask Heavenly Father to soften her family's hearts.  

So I would really appreciate it if in your prayers you could include, Justin and Samantha, Paige and Sister Valdivia!! I know that with prayer and faith, miracles are wrought and I can't wait to see what happens!! Thanks so much!! I love you all and I will talk to you next week!!
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson :)  

Paul at his baptism

Our last day together

From left to right: Sister Rasband (Sister Mitchell's new companion), Sister Mitchell, Me, and Sister Hyer (my new companion) :)

November 19th, 2013

Sorry, super short email again this week!! We keep running out of time!! Yesterday, we did yoga with a member and then went to another member's house to make jewelry and it was so fun!!!
Quote of the Week
 "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." 
This quote was on the sign in front of a little church in town and I always love the quotes they have on it. Some of them are funny but this one is really good, we truly have to have faith to start the path to eternal life without having any idea when the end is or how long it will take!! We need to always stay strong and keep pushing forward!! :)

Scripture of the Week 
"Let they bowels be full of charity towards all men and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven." -D&C 121:45 
This scripture kept popping up everywhere and so I finally pondered it and I realized how important it is to keep love and virtue in every aspect of our lives and that is what will keep us clean and pure and get us to heaven!! :)

Miracle of the Week/Month
1. Paul is so amazing!! He is so ready for his baptism on Saturday and we can't wait. He loves to learn and is just soaking up every single thing in all of our lessons. He asked the Elders to baptize him which was super cool because they are really excited about him as well. This is getting the branch excited about missionary work and it is exactly what is needed!!
2. Our branch is taking incredible care of us. We mentioned to the relief society president that we didn't have tons of food and over the last 3 days, we have gotten food and other things from like 4 or 5 different members and it just keeps coming. It ceases to amaze me how whenever I start to worry about something, Heavenly Father immediately takes care of it and I don't even have time to stress anymore because it is fixed so quickly.
I know that it is him blessing us for our hard work and dedication and that he loves us so much that he wants us to be taken care of. He will do anything he needs to help me and I am so grateful for the comfort that comes from that knowledge!!! Things are incredible and I am so blessed!!

Next Tuesday is transfers which is hard because I never want to leave this area. This is my home and this branch feels like family!! I know whatever happens is supposed to happen but I hope I get to stay again!! I will let you know next week what is happening!! I will also try to write a little longer email next week as well!!

Love you all, thanks so much for all you do for me!!!
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson :)
Nicole Binns (Vicki's granddaughter) was baptized on Saturday. She was taught by another set of sisters and we were the ones who sent them over there!! :) I was so happy we were able to go!! Her dad was also baptized, I just didn't get a picture with him


November 15th, 2013

Hello everyone!!!!
Very short letter this week because I am almost out of time!! The libraries were closed yesterday so we were able to email for a little bit today! 

Biggest and Best Miracle Ever!!!
Paul is getting baptized next Saturday!! We have known him for less than 2 weeks but he came to the adult session of stake conference on Saturday and the Sunday session as well! Which is saying something because the stake center here is over 30 minutes away!! We have been meeting with him a ton and he knows this is true! He is reading the Book of Mormon and D and C like crazy, he loves everything he is learning and can't wait to be able to receive the priesthood and go to the temple!!

He is incredible and this is such a blessing. He told us that we were an answer to his prayers but he was an answer to ours as well! The branch is getting so excited about all these new converts and everything is looking up! He is so strong and I bet he will be a bishop or stake president somewhere down the line!! Heavenly Father truly knows all of his children and is working with all of them to lead them to this truth that we are lucky enough to share!!!

More updates next week!! Life is good!! It's snowy and absolutely freezing out here!! Things are going well and I love being a missionary!!

Love and miss you all and hope to talk to you soon!!! :)
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson

November 4th, 2013

Hello Everyone!!! Happy Halloween and Happy Fall!!!!

First off, Happy Belated Birthday to Katie Watts and Happy Early Birthday to Brian!!!! :) Love you both so much!!

Scripture of the Week
"Condemn me not because of mine imperfection, neither my father because of his imperfection, neither them who have written before him; but rather give thanks unto God that he hath made manifest unto you our imperfections, that ye may learn to be more wise than we have been."-Mormon 9:31

I love this scripture because it shows true humility. He is saying to not get angry at him for the things that he has done wrong but be grateful that you can learn from his mistakes and be better than he has been in that regard. I feel like that is so prevalent these days when people are so quick to judge. I am learning to accept people for who they are, mistakes and all and learn how to improve myself from their consequences! :)

Quote of the week
"Our doctrine is clear, we are to be positive and of good cheer, we emphasize our faith not our fears."-Quentin L. Cook

We will never get anywhere if we don't choose to emphasize our faith rather than our fears. We need to have full and complete trust in Heavenly Father and the promises he has made to us and learn how to act out of complete faith in Him!!! :)

Miracle this Week
Our miracle this week is Paul. We have been having a hard time finding people interested over the last few weeks but we kept pushing forward and we found Paul . He is 26, single and was not interested at first. But as we kept him talking, we helped him realize that he believes a lot of the same things we do and it peaked his interest. So met him on Wednesday, taught him on Thursday, took him on a tour of our chapel on Friday, and he came to church yesterday. 

He loves reading the Book of Mormon and he loved church. In his own words "I feel as if I cam coming out of the darkness, the clouds are parting and I am entering the truth, light and understanding." We are super excited for him and when we meet with him tonight, we are going to commit him to be baptized on November 30th. He is such a blessing because it has restored our faith that people truly are being prepared to receive this message and being put in our paths for us to find, teach and help them prepare for baptism. Heavenly Father is incredible and I feel so much love, comfort and strength from him daily!!! :)
Last thing, it was kinda funny because here they have a specific time set aside for trick or treating and it was supposed to be from 6:30-8:30. But there was a really bad storm on Halloween so they postponed trick or treating until Saturday. It was so weird because they don't do that in Utah so it kinda made us laugh. It was a good thing they postponed it though because the storm was insane. It woke us up in the middle of the night and it was so loud and scary that my first thought was that it was a tornado. The next morning there was a ton of damage done to houses, siding came off, trees were blown over and all the trees were naked because the leaves were blown off. The winds got up to 60 MPH, I am just glad that we are safe and that it wasn't a tornado or anything.
I love you all and I pray for you often!! I hope all is going well and I will talk to you again next week!!! :)
Keep The Faith!!!!!!
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson :)

 Johnson, Johnson and Johnson :)-my last name is too common

 Fun on exchanges!! :)

October 28th, 2013

Winter is coming and it is freezing!!!
So I had the email all typed up and it was awesome and then when I started signing my name, somehow the entire thing got deleted so I am almost out of time so this is going to be very quick! 

Scripture of the Week 
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."- 2nd Corinthians 5:7

It is so important to keep our faith and rely on it more than the natural man and the tendencies we have.

Quote of the Week
"Decide now that you will work at being happy more often. You are either the master of your destiny or a slave to your fate. Only you can choose how you'll react. Choose well." 

I am learning to choose happiness even when things are hard and not going the way we want. We need to seek for peace from Christ and choose happiness! :)

Miracle of the Week
So this week was kind of hard and discouraging. We weren't finding anyone who wanted to listen but finally on Saturday morning, we met Angie. She is a member of another church but her dad is a member of ours and we are meeting with her tonight.

We also met Adam who we had met a few months ago and he let us in. He was made a lot of mistakes in his life but he is in the spirit of changing as he put it and we are excited to help him with it! We are also meeting with him tonight so we will see how this goes!! Then we finished off the night with a branch trunk or treat/chili cook off and it was an overall awesome day and I am so grateful for the miracles Heavenly Father is constantly blessing us with!

I love you all and I will talk to you next week!! :)

Love always, Sister Britni Johnson! :)

Coolest pumpkin ever!!


October 21, 2013

Hello!! I hope everyone is enjoying the fall and hopefully staying fairly dry and warm! :)
Quote of the Week  (is a little long but it is one of my new favorites!)
"No pain that we suffer, no trial we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude, and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God...and it is through sorrow, suffering, toil, tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire and which will make us more like our Father and Mother in Heaven!" -Orson F. Whitney. 

This quote just gives me so much comfort, hope and strength to keep going and doing my best. I know that everything I go through now is making me who I will become and preparing me to become like our Father in Heaven to eventually live with him again in Heaven! :)

Scripture of the Week
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

I know without a doubt that Christ and Heavenly Father are always there watching over us, and if we ask for it, they will give us peace and comfort with anything we are going through or struggling with. All we have to do is ask and let them in! 

Stories of the Week
1. So a little more details about meeting the Amish members of the church. We were able to hear each of the couples bear their testimonies and they were so simple and yet so incredible! They gave up everything for this gospel but they know it was worth it for the peace and happiness it brings! They have the sweetest spirits and I am honored to know them. We saw the bakery and the school the children attend. Since all the families were shunned, they were kicked out of their school so our mission president asked a senior missionary couple to teach them and they have been for almost a year now. 

We were also able to see the bakery and try some of the best cinnamon rolls in the world. They are all so hardworking and loving to all. Even thought they have been shunned, they still live in the Amish community and practice the Amish traditions in the hopes of being able to help bring some of their friends, family, and neighbors to this gospel. We were also able to see them again on Saturday because they were speaking a stake fireside and we brought our investigator, Lorie, with us. She loved it and the whole experience was so spiritual and truly amazing. 

2. We now have Elders here in our branch along with us! There names are Elder Shields and Elder Moore and they have both been on their missions for about a year. Elder Shields is quiet but really funny and Elder Moore is super nice and kind. They have both been working hard already and I am so excited to see what happens in the next few weeks. I would absolutely love to see this branch become and ward and I know it is only a matter of time, especially with 2 sets of full time missionaries! 

Miracle of the Week
My miracle this week was yesterday. We had this 3 hour leadership meeting we had to go to but we had an appointment right before so it was a bit of a stress getting there. Plus our GPS took us the wrong way so we made it right before it began. It was taught by Elder Robbins of the 1st quorum of the Seventy and it was incredible. He talked a lot about all the excuses people have to avoid taking responsibility for our actions and mistakes. He also talked about how we need to just cross that out of our lives. In order to have 100% agency, we have to have 100% responsibility as well. 

We also discussed how important it is to forgive others, forgiving others is really more of a gift and freedom for ourselves. If we strive to forgive others, and take full responsibility for our actions, we will be able to develop more love for others and other Christlike attributes that are so important to have. The whole meeting was amazing and I learned so much. We have so many new insights and things to help us with ourselves and a lot of our investigators. :)
Well that is about it for this week! I love and miss you all and I hope everything is going well! I pray for you all and can't wait to see you soon! :) 
Until next time!!
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson :)

Best bumper sticker I have seen in awhile, and I do agree :)

Fun in fall! :)

This one is just super cool!

The colors on this one are so vibrant!

One of our investigators, Lorie :)

 And of course, there has to be a sky picture :)

October 14th, 2013

So short email this week, our time was cut because the libraries were closed yesterday to Columbus Day. Anyways, Sister Mitchell and I are both staying together here in Madison Lake!! I am never getting out of here but that is ok because I love it!!

Scripture of the Week
"Now therefore go, and I will be with they mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say." -   Exodus 4:12 
 I know this is so true because the only reason I can do anything is because of the Lord. He helps me so much every single day and I love feeling his guidance and his courage instilled into me to be able to talk to anyone no matter who they are!!

Quote of the Week
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." 
 I love this because lately I have been learning to accept some things that are out of my control and focus on the things I can change and I can make a difference in.

Store of the Week
This last week there was a leadership training so all the Sister Training Leaders and Zone Leaders got to go to Amish country and meet the 3 Amish families that have joined the church. They are incredible because they have been completely shunned by their families, friends and the whole Amish community for joining the church but they stay strong and keep the Amish way of life because they are trying as hard as they can to share the gospel and be missionaries. 
All 3 families have been sealed in the temple. They even have a little school for just the children of the families and the teachers are a senior couple. They teach them church mixed in with school and it was such a humbling experience all around. We were able to see the authentic horse drawn buggies, dresses and caps and bowl cuts on the boys. I will explain more in my email next week but I loved everything about it! The only downside was I got the stomach flu that had been going around with some of the Amish kids. It actually hit 9 sets of missionaries and Our mission president and his wife. But everything is good now!! :)
Well time is almost up!

Miracle of the Week
I feel complete love and gratitude to all those around me. I can't believe how much love I feel for complete strangers and people I hardly know. I truly feel the love of Christ and I am so happy to be serving and doing all I can to spread that love and happiness!!! :)

Love you all!!
Love, Sister Britni Johnson!! :)

October 7th - Conference Was Incredible!!!

Scripture of the Week 
"My son peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment: And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high: thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. Thy friends do stand by thee and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands." -D&C 121:7-9

I love these verses because they are so comforting and full of hope. When things get hard, the Lord comforts us and promises us blessings. Something I have learned lately though is that when we pray during our struggles and trials, He doesn't necessarily change the situation or the trial, he strengthens us and our ability to handle and overcome the trial. Our attitude about and struggles change rather than the struggles themselves. I am so grateful for the strength I receive each day and how incredible the Savior's love and guidance is in my life every second of everyday.
Quote of the Week 
"We must doubt our doubts before we doubt our faith." - This one was from conference but I can't remember exactly who said it.

So short and simple but powerful. It is essential for us to stay strong and not doubt our faith. If we have questions or concerns, we must pray and seek counsel, not just deny our faith and turn away. I am learning to turn tho the Lord in all things, no matter what they are. He is there ready and willing to take part in every aspect of our lives if we will simply let him in and seek his help and strength.

Conference this weekend was incredible. There was so much great stuff shared and I am so excited for the Ensign to come out so I can reread and learn again and again. It was exactly what I needed because it renewed my faith, my testimony and my determination. I was so uplifted and inspired and I am ready to do the work and do my best. I don't want any regrets and I want to work as hard as I possibly can. The work has been a bit difficult lately because we are just hitting a rough patch but we will keep pressing forward with a steadfastness in Christ knowing that he is always there, he recognizes all that we do and he is waiting to bless and strengthen us.
Miracle of Week 
I was able to help a lot of the sisters around me. We went on 2 exchanges this week and it was really cool because I was able to grow more confident in my abilities to strengthen and uplift those around me. Each of the sisters I was with, opened up pretty quickly and they felt comfortable with me and trusted me with their struggles and trials. I was able to talk with them, encourage them and uplift them. Through helping them and boosting their spirits, I was able to pull myself right out of my own frustration and discouragement. It's amazing how serving others can be such a blessing to ourselves and the things we are going through.
I absolutely loved being able to completely forget about myself and just help those around me. Being a missionary, especially a leader is so much about strengthening, uplifting, encouraging and boosting all those around you and I really discovered a new part of myself I never really realized I had before. I love how much I learn each day and I am so grateful for the ability to constantly improve and progress through our mistakes and experiences!!

Well next week is that time again. We have transfers on Tuesday and we will see if Sister Mitchell and I can come out unscathed again. Hopefully we stay together because I love her, I love this branch and I love this area. 
We are getting the elders next Tuesday as well so we will see how that goes. Hopefully they will be hardworking and regain the trust of the branch to get everyone excited about missionary and finally turn this branch into a full-blown ward!!!
I love you all and I hope all is going well!!
Have a fabulous week!!!
Love always, Sister Britni Johnson!!!! :)

One of the craziest doors I have knocked on! :)

Sister Rasband

The sky!!!!

The cutest little boy ever! I am a little in love and it is so hard to not hold him! :)

September 30th, 2013 - How's it going?

Hello!! I hope all is well with everyone!! :) Things are pretty fabulous here!

Quote of the Week

"Don't you quit. You keep walking, you keep trying. There's hope and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they come." -Jeffrey R. Holland. 

I love that quote because it is so important to always remember, never give up and never quit. This life is about showing what you are made of and what you can do. We are promised blessings according to our faithfulness and obedience. And when the Lord promises something, he is bound as long as we do our part and always keep the faith. 

The only thing to do is keep going, there is no other option. We are blessed with happiness and hope according to our obedience to the gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ. I know he lives, he loves each and everyone of us and he is waiting to help us, strengthen us and bless us, we just have to reach up to him and let him in!!! :)

Scripture of the Week 
"But Ammon said unto him: I do not boast in my own strength nor in my own wisdom; but behold my joy is full, yea my heart is brim with joy and I will rejoice in my God. Yea I know that I am nothing, as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever." -Alma 26:11-12 

I may have already done this one before but it is so good I have to do it again. This is really how I have been feeling lately. I have learned to find peace, joy and comfort in the Lord. As I have found that, I have learned to rejoice in my success or our companionship's success according to the blessings and strength from God and Jesus Christ. It is because of them we can do anything and it is only with them that this work is possible. All of our baptisms and anything else we do, are blessings from our God according to our faith and hard work. 

This is the Lord's work and naturally he is a part of it. He labors right along with us and and softens hearts and prepares souls ready to receive the message of the restoration. Our job is to talk to everyone and be led by him to those precious brothers and sisters of ours that we can help bring unto the fold of God!! :) Look to him for strength and guidance in all you do and say, every aspect of your life, and he will stand by you and lift you up in every way!!
Miracle for the week: Vicki was baptized yesterday!! The whole thing was incredible. The Spirit was so strong the entire time and it was such a blessing to be a part of! There is nothing quite like seeing someone you have come to know and love so much, dress in white and take the first step to coming closer to Christ. They make those sacred baptismal covenants and promise that although they don't know everything and their testimony is fragile, they will continue to learn line upon line and wax stronger in the Church of God!

Other Events of the Week
- I was sick for like 3 days, In a 27 hour period of time, I slept for 19 hours and it felt so good. The mission presidents wife ordered me to get the rest that I need to heal quickly and get back to work so that is exactly what I did. And I am feeling so much better now!!!
- The relief society broadcast was incredible. Everything that was said was exactly what I needed and so inspired. Even though Savannah doesn't want to be baptized right now, she still came to the broadcast and even took notes. She really enjoyed it and I am so excited to watch general conference with her this weekend. I have complete faith that what will be said will be exactly what she needs to hear and will continue to touch and soften her heart!!
- We are getting elders in this area in 2 weeks and I don't really know what to think. I am so used to be the only set of missionaries in the branch and our branch truly loves us. It will be hard to compete with other missionaries! :) I'm just teasing but I really am excited! There is so much to do in this area and so much potential, it will be nice to have another set of missionaries to continue to push the work forward. It will be fun to get the excitement of missionary work, going again in our awesome branch.
Well I love you all and I hope everything is still going well!!

One last thing, I might be needing a GPS here in like 2 weeks or so if Sister Mitchell and I get separated because we are using hers and I was wondering if anyone could maybe help out. Maybe it could be an early Christmas present or maybe someone has one that isn't currently being used!! If anyone can help out please let me know, that would be so nice and such a life saver!! I love you all! I know this church is true and the Lord is with each and every one of us always!! Love and miss you all! Till next week!

Love always, Sister Britni Johnson!! :)

an alligator that was the pet so someone we met!! A little creepy!

This was as close as I dared get to it!

petting my new horse friend named Fred! :)

Us, Vicki and her friend Hope Sexton who introduced us to her!

Us, Vicki and our Branch Mission Leader Brother Penry who baptized her. 

holding a skunk, named Sasha!